General hand puzzle
It may seem strange to pick a board to discuss that was completely flat. On this board in a club level game, every EW pair made 12 tricks playing in 3NT. Yet not one of them should have done so! Let us see why not.
RealBridge allows you to: See the double-dummy effect of playing any card at any point in the play. Analyse alternative lines of play, the play in alternative contracts.
When we first learnt bridge there was so much going on.  Counting points, working out what to bid and how on earth am I going to make this contract.   It is no wonder you may have felt overwhelmed. To make the aspect of the game even more confusing there are numerous rules and etiquette to have to contend with.  This week I am going to look at one of the rules that is often forgotten.
nsbc blog

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.